Miyerkules, Hulyo 31, 2013

Agenda for Week 8

Class, I have just finished typesetting your Long Quiz #2.  Therefore, you will be taking it (as previously planned) this Saturday, August 3, 2013 - during lecture time.  (Coverage for Long Quiz #2 will be all the material from Week 1 till Week 7, so please do review well for this examination.)

Lab time will be devoted to a discussion of some topics discussed during the 4th Shaping the Future Forum, held in Isla Ballroom of the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel last Wednesday, July 31 from 6 PM to 10 PM, and sponsored by Accenture Philippines in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  The invited speaker, Dr. Abel Sanchez of MIT, lectured about "Weaving the Modern Web Platform".  (More details regarding the said lecture will be given during lab time this Saturday, August 3).

Lastly, I would like to reiterate that the deadline for the submission of your Reaction Paper #3 is by 12:00 MN of August 3, 2013 (Saturday).  Submissions made on or after 12:01 AM of August 4, 2013 (Sunday) will be considered late and will be penalized with a 5% deduction for every day past the deadline.

Biyernes, Hulyo 26, 2013

Case Study: "On Becoming An Antivirus Technician"

Note:  I have made this post in response to a request from one of your classmates.

Suppose you are an IT (software) technician being asked to troubleshoot (possible) virus /malware issues on a laptop PC.

Give a step-by-step procedure on how to properly and safely remove the virus(es) /malware infection(s), if they exist.  

Otherwise, outline a way to efficiently determine if the laptop is virus-free.

Assumptions:  OS = Windows XP SP2, Laptop has (3G, wireless) Internet connection

[Original] Submissions from the various groups

For any broken hyperlink(s), kindly inform me ASAP.

RE: Reaction Paper #3

For your Reaction Paper #3, do a critique of the following article (by Jaron Lanier) from future tense: "Justice for Alan Turing?".  (Please do take note: The deadline for the submission of your Reaction Paper #3 is on August 3, 2013.)

I will be posting further course updates in a while, so please do check out this page from time to time.

Note:  All groups have submitted their Reaction Paper #2.  I will be giving out the graded copies by tomorrow.

Sabado, Hulyo 6, 2013

Groups that have submitted their Reaction Paper #1 as of July 7, 2013 - 12:01 MN

This is to formally acknowledge receipt of the Reaction Paper #1 (either hard or soft copy) from the following groups.  They were able to submit before the deadline (July 7, 12:01 AM):

Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 6
Group 7
Group 9
Group 10
Group 11

For the other groups that have still not been able to submit their Reaction Paper #1, please be advised that, as per our previous in-class agreement, you will be penalized with deductions of 5% per day past July 6, subject to the further restriction that any submission made after July 12, 12:00 MN will be given a grade of 0%.

Martes, Hulyo 2, 2013

A PDF file has been sent to the CSTRENDS e-mail distribution list

A PDF file (titled "Glossary of Computer Terms") has just been sent to the CSTRENDS e-mail distribution list.  You can consider this as review material for your First Long Quiz this Saturday, July 6.

Please let me know via either e-mail or SMS if you didn't get this particular PDF file.

RE: Reaction Paper #2

For your Reaction Paper #2 which will be due on July 20, please do a critique of the paper "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data" (a copy of which is available from this hyperlink).  The same class groupings as before apply.

PostScript:  Again, please be reminded that the deadline for the submission of your Reaction Paper #1 is this coming Saturday, July 6.

Lunes, Hulyo 1, 2013

CORRECTED (July 2) -- Reminders for Week 4 session (July 6)

Here are some early reminders for our next CSTRENDS session (Week 4 - July 6):

1.   Your Reaction Paper #1 (for which papers from a particular conference proceedings on the latest IT trends were assigned to each of the eleven [11, not 10] groups) is due on or before Saturday.  I would appreciate receiving soft copies of your reaction papers through my e-mail address on or before Friday, 7:00 PM.

2.   You will also be having your First Long Quiz.  Coverage will be all the materials covered in the course from Week 1 till Week 3.  You are required to read Doug McGowan's paper titled "Emerging Trends in ICT Development: A 5-10 year view".

3.     For extra credit - Bring either one of the following:

a)   An 8" floppy disk

b)   A 5.25" floppy disk

c)   A 3.5" floppy diskette

(The following images are taken from Wikipedia.)